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Spectacular lily pads and flowers are found at the Naples Botanical Garden. This composition is a fabric painting based on one of my photographs from that beautiful Florida location.
15" x 24"

"Ode to the Lily," Original Fiber Art by Sally Dutko

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  • Paint, splash, tear, dye, wrap, outline, sew, draw, assemble, cut, spray, glue, join, stretch, rip, repeat. Texture and color vie for leading roles in Sally’s art. A passion for surface design inspires her fiber explorations creating fabric collages and mixed-media wall hangings. Her daily tools: brilliant hand-dyed
    cottons and silks, mangled yarns, threads of all colors, twisted and sewn.

    As a Fine Arts graduate of Cooper Union in New York City, Sally worked as a graphic designer and art director in publications at Cornell University in Ithaca, NY. Using dyed and painted fabrics, her
    work addresses subjects through color, texture, line, pattern and typography. A full-time Floridian since 2015, residing in Fort Myers, Sally finds that the vegetation and wildlife here provide a vast amount of inspiration. She has received many awards, has shown work nationally, and has curated fiber arts exhibits.

© 2023 Tower Gallery

Open 7 days a week 10-6
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